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"Keep It Paleo!"
Your Pal,
Paleo Nick
Edible Deception
It's quite a dilemma, the state we're in.
It may seem innocent, but I swear it's sin.
Filling our mouths with processed CRRAHP,
It tastes so good, but then we need a nap.
It's Calorie-Rich, Highly Processed, and Refined,
It jacks up our cells and makes us lose our mind.
Our waistlines are wasted, they're growing each year,
I swear God's looking down and shedding a tear.
If our body's a temple, then I hope He likes ruins,
It's time to put down the garbage and pick up the prunes.
Let's make meat and vegetables our daily bread,
Use disciplined decisions to fuel properly and control the thoughts in our head.
Big industry's out for profit—what they're doing is so rude,
Packaging chemicals in plastic and calling it food.
Big Ag and Big Pharma started this party, they’re throwing a rave.
But the poison they're peddling is a highway to the grave.
Their marketing dollars make you believe they're your friend,
But Alzheimer's and dementia are how the relationship ends.
Their forever chemicals add up over time,
To get you scripted on medicine on the government's dime.
Diabetes is one of their favorite ways to get paid,
Type 1 is understandable, but the other two are man-made.
Refined carbs are the gas on this dumpster fire,
But I’ve got the map—let’s climb higher.
Because when I ponder it all, my blood boils,
I want you to start by cutting out industrial oils.
You must become an educated eater,
A student of food, an ingredient reader.
Because you are what you eat, and it's the same for your food,
We're the sum of our parts—come do some math with this dude.
It all adds up over time. In the end, we get the sum,
You're either coherent and clear or numb and dumb.
Food dyes and herbicides and GMOs and waxes,
Most of them are funded when you pay your taxes.
You're either investing in an asset or paying rent,
Build a house that will last—don’t trust government.
They call ketchup a vegetable, push Lunchables in schools,
Their ‘food pyramid’ is a house built for fools.
This poem’s getting long—what’s the gist of it all?
If you're hearing these words, then wisen up and answer the call.
The call to be a light in a very dark place,
While we don’t choose how we start, we determine how we finish this race.
You can roll to the grave in a motorized chair,
Or sprint to the end with the wind in your hair.
I encourage you to want to be a winner,
And it all starts with what you eat for dinner.
Let's move forward in health, leaving the tainted fodder behind,
Let's ditch all the CRRAHP and to our bodies be kind.
If health is the first wealth, I want my treasury full,
Let's cut through the CRRAHP and ditch all the bull.
In the game of life, let’s play to win,
Let’s sharpen our minds and make food medicine.
One bite at a time, let’s weather this weather,
Let’s eat to an invincible future—together.